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i want these nails!

nicole's birthday last weekend.
my camera died on me so i dont have much photos.

i really super super like this shot!
i have no clue how i took it !
the colour just came out that way lol

to more recent updates.
there's only 3 weeks left of high school until we break off for study leave.
3 weeks to cram all the assignments!
death i tell you.
havent been sleeping much.
i kinda forgot how sleep feels like 

theresa and i worked overtime today.
stayed back at school tidying up the house assignment.
i SOMEHOW managed to complete that 2 term long assignment into 5 days!
all things are possible ok!
now, i gotta complete another 3 more and i'll be sweet.
wish me the best!

our empty class. 
apart from the caretakers, i think we were the only ones left in school.
scary feeling!

stayed till around 4.30pm.

theresa then accompanied me to go dress fitting!
i couldnt make up my mind on which dress to buy.
how typical.
anyhow, i settled with a pinkish red one!
it's a definite change of what i normally wear but change is good right 

excuse me,
i need to satisfy my vainess.

thank you very much.

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